
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Children of the Force #76 - Children of the Forces of Destiny
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
On this episode, we're talking all about Forces of Destiny and some news scraps. Recorded on 6/12/17. As always, be sure to check out the show guide on our website for companion videos, images and more: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/07/14/episode-76-children-of-the-forces-of-destiny/
We met our listeners/patrons/friends, Amy and her kids, on the way back from our big trip to Colorado! So fun to meet them. Super cool kids and a super cool woman.
We’re pretty sure we’re going to Star Wars Celebration in 2019, wherever that may be.
And non-Star Warsy, check out Liam’s #Ham4All video:
We talk all about the first 8 episodes of Forces of Destiny. Check them out here!
NEWS [46:00]
Various news via twitter.
OUTRO [58:10]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Children of the Force #75 - When They Go Solo, We Go High
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Yes, we talk about the Han Solo movie director shake-up in this episode. Making movies ain't like dusting crops, kid. We also tell an awful joke, pitch a couple of our own "From a Certain Point of View" stories, and more!
Anna’s still working through those Vader comics. She’s savoring them.
Liam’s been re-reading all of the Star Wars comics.
Nick from London sent us a stellar “Tell that to Kanjiklub”
…aaaaand Hamilton.
NEWS [17:45]
A bit of info came out about those new IDW comics.
And some story details came out about a few short stories in From a Certain Point of View.
And of course, we talk about that Han Solo stand-alone director shake-up. Fun stuff.
Rogue One is coming to Netflix!
Also, Inferno Squad excerpt!
CANON NEWS [36:20]
What happened right after Saw brought Jyn up from that hatch?
JOKE [38:15]
A story about Tammy, Tina and Han Solo.
Q&A COUNCIL [41:05]
If you wrote a story for From a Certain Point of View, who would it be about?
Fun project: Send us your short Star Wars stories and I'll publish them in some form!
OUTRO [52:20]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Children of the Force #74 - Wonder Women
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
In this episode, we put the final touches on our Celebration re-cap, talking about some awesomely feminist things that were said at a couple different panels. We also gush over Wonder Woman and Beauty and the Beast. Add some Canon News, a joke and a question for the Question and Answer Council, and you got yourself an episode of Children of the Force! As always, check out the show guide on our website for links, videos and images that go along with this episode.
Thanks to Nick from London and ElvenPadawan for leaving the new reviews of the show on iTunes! You’re both winners, in our book.
By the way, the ElvenPadawan has a brand new podcast! Check it out here: https://elvenpadawan.wordpress.com/
We’re giving Adventures in Wild Space another try, maybe.
Non Star-Warsy: We saw both Wonder Woman and Beauty and the Beast on Saturday. Two thumbs up to both!
NEWS [22:50]
Battlefront II! Check out the game-play trailer and the extended gameplay video were released last weekend.
CANON NEWS [39:45]
There are creatures that live between the seams of space and time!
JOKE [41:15]
How did Han die?
Q&A COUNCIL [42:35]
If you could have one Force ability, what would it be?
What’s the name of the race Han Solo flew in in that Han Solo comic miniseries?
OUTRO [51:40]
Thanks for listening!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Children of the Force #73 - The Dameron Fool That Shot Him
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Join us for a Dameron fine episode this week. We discuss what Vanity Fair tells us about The Last Jedi, whether or not Poe says thugs or dogs in The Force Awakens, and more! There's singing!
As always, check out our website for more thorough show notes: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/06/07/episode-73-the-dameron-fool-who-shot-him/
Check out the playlist I made of the complete first season of The Freemaker Adventures!
We got an email from Joseph!
I revise my answer on that whole “are Baze and Chirrut gay” question.
I read The Force Awakens comic adaptation and realized I got a free digital copy along with it. You know what that means?
First one to leave a new iTunes review of the show will win the free digital comic!
NEWS [13:20]
We further discuss all the goodies in that Vanity Fair article.
We listen to some Tom Waits and watch some To Catch a Thief.
We also bleep out a word (for the first time ever), Anna plays the part of Kathleen Kennedy, and I sing some Star Warsified Hamilton.
CANON NEWS [45:15]
Thugs or dogs?
JOKE [54:15]
What did Poe say when he took off his shoes and all his fellow pilots saw how large his feet were?
Which Rogue One character had, at one point, gone by the name of Fulcrum?
OUTRO [59:05]
Thanks for listening!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Children of the Force #72 - May the Force Arena be with You
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
On this episode we’re joined by Nick from London to talk about Force Arena (and other Star Wars things). (And things not related to Star Wars at all.)
As always, check out our website for the episode guide, which includes images and links and more: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/05/31/episode-72-may-the-force-arena-be-with-you/
Nick read Death Troopers. Liam watched some Star Wars rap battles. Nick’s been playing the Galaxy of Heroes app.
Nick and Al exchange The Last Jedi teaser stories.
Nick has a theory about DJ and Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.
NEWS [22:20]
We talk more about that Vanity Fair article and photos.
CANON NEWS [33:40]
What was Krennic thinking in his final moment?
Nick, Liam and I geek out about Force Arena for the rest of the episode. In addition to giving an overview of the game, talking strategy and more, Nick also came up with his own new additions to the game.
OUTRO [1:31:00]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force (Arena) be with you!

Wednesday May 24, 2017
Children of the Force #71 - Birrut and Chaze
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Wednesday May 24, 2017
In this episode, we discuss the images from that Vanity Fair article, talk a lot about Chirrut and Baze, gush over Battlefront II, talk about how far movies have to go toward gender parity... and more! As always, check out the show guide over on our website for images, videos and more: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/05/24/episode-71-birrut-and-chaze/
I correct my previous statement about the Bechdel Test. The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are, of the original 6 movies, the only ones that pass. Which isn’t to say that they’re feminist movies by any stretch of the imagination. But they pass the test. Barely.
Speaking of gender parity in films, check out The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender on The Pudding: https://pudding.cool/2017/03/film-dialogue/
Liam and I are still in the clutches of Force Arena. Check out the app… if you dare.
Liam is re-reading the Vader comics. Anna started reading them, too, since we recorded this. The kids get off on a tangent about how much they like the graphic novels by Raina Telgemeier.
NEWS [11:10]
Before getting into the regular news, we interject with some breaking news and talk about the images that were included with that great Vanity Fair article on Wednesday morning. We’ll be discussing the content of the article in an upcoming episode. But for now, check out the article here to see the photos: http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/05/star-wars-the-last-jedi-cover-portfolio
We also talk about the new Cassian and K-2SO one-shot comic and the new Mace Windu (is Snoke) comic mini-series!
CANON NEWS [29:40]
Ian asks via voicemail: Are Baze and Chirrut gay? We explore the Rogue One novelization to see what it has to say.
We round out our Celebration news recap talking about Battlefront II.
Check out the website here: https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/battlefront/battlefront-2
We didn't get any big video game news other than the new Battlefront, which is surprising, given this year-old video about upcoming EA Star Wars games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrIEW7woFFo
JOKE [59:10]
Jokes this week are courtesy of Chris from Star Wars Kidscast:
What were Baze & Chirrut called when they worked at a pharmacy?
What were Baze & Chirrut called when they worked as accountants?
What were Baze & Chirrut called when they worked as fishermen?
What were Baze & Chirrut called when they worked at a haunted house?
What were Baze & Chirrut called when they worked at a pickle factory?
OUTRO [1:01:05]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Aphra, Freemaker Adventures, Forces of Destiny and a whole lot of books. It's another episode packed with Celebration information and plenty of silliness from the kids. As always, check out the show guide on our website here: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/05/10/episode-70-celebration-of-forces-of-freemaker-and-books-and-a-joke/
We did Free Comic Book day over at Paradox in Fargo with some friends this year.
We picked up the TFA comic adaptation at the comic shop.
NEWS [7:05]
Aphra wins a contest!
Rian Johnson had a hand in the ending of The Force Awakens because of what he wanted to do in The Last Jedi.
We pick up where we left off with our Celebration recap and get Amy and Emily’s final day at Celebration Orlando. Sounds like they had a whole lot of fun!
We’re looking forward to The Freemaker Adventures, season 2.
Forces of Destiny is coming in July!
We cover a lot of the new books that were announced at Celebration.
JOKE [50:55]
Our joke this week comes from Amy (@AmyWishman)!
What does the Jedi temple use for protection?
OUTRO [52:45]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday May 03, 2017
Children of the Force #69 - Patron Guests Alethea and Nolan!
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
On episode 69 we have a super fun talk with patrons Alethea and her son Nolan.
I finished reading Thrawn. I liked it, but did not love it.
NEWS [9:35]
Episode IX is coming out on May 24th 2019! We’re super happy about this.
Guardians of the Whills and Rebel Rising came out on May 2nd.
Alethea and Nolan have a question for us. Which animal did the effects crew study when they were designing the AT-AT walker?
OUTRO [1:01:30]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Children of the Force #68 - More Celebration! Amy and Emily! Rebels trailer!
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
It’s episode 68 of Children of the Force!
In addition to a voicemail from Ian, we also have day 2 and 3 reports from Star Wars Celebration courtesy of our special correspondents, Amy and Emily!
Ian asks if the end of the Jedi could mean a more neutral peace-keeping force in the galaxy. We discuss for eight minutes.
We still haven’t watched all of Rogue One since getting it on blu-ray. We’re busy!
I’m about 2/3 of the way through Thrawn.
Liam has started playing Force Arena. May the Force have mercy on us all.
Just how did Kylo’s scar move to a different place on his face?
The 501st, Rancho Obi-Wan, an ear infection, BB-8, Rebels, Anthony Daniels and more!
Season 4 of Rebels is the last season. We discuss that and the season four trailer.
OUTRO [56:25]
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Children of the Force #67 - Celebration! The Last Jedi teaser! Books!
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Welcome to the first of at least three episodes where we defenestrate the format in order to recap all of the goodness that came out of Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Big thanks to Amy and Emily for their reporting from Celebration. We'll be hearing more from them on the next episode, too!
Most of this episode consists of us frame-by-framing through The Last Jedi teaser and obsessing over every last word and detail. Then we talk briefly about some new books that were announced (and yes, I already know I was mistaken about when that Leia book takes place)!
We hope you enjoy the show. And just for giggles, connect with us in one of the follwing ways to let us know which Star Wars autograph you covet the most.
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!