
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Children of the Force #15 - Fantasy Flights Games' Kyle Dekker
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Monday Oct 19, 2015
CotF Reaction Corps - The Force Awakens trailer
Monday Oct 19, 2015
Monday Oct 19, 2015
My sleepy kids and I react to and analyze the trailer!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Monday Oct 05, 2015
Children of the Force #14 - The Evil Galactic Underwear
Monday Oct 05, 2015
Monday Oct 05, 2015
On episode 14, our neighbor Toby joins us for the show.
Follow along with our show guide for this episode at http://childrenoftheforce.com Over there, you'll find photos and links and way more than you see in these little show notes.
We've been watching quite a bit of Clone Wars recently. We've powered through the second half of season 4, which means we watched the first Maul arc. We discuss whether or not it’s plausible that Obi Wan would so willingly team
up with Ventress. (I find it suspect.)
Anna reads an exceptionally funny Star Wars Mad Libs that Liam did (which gives this episode it's title)
Anna has started reading Lost Stars!
NEWS [13:20]
We play some catch-up this week. We discuss some of the names of The Force
Awakens, per that EW story. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/12/star-wars-force-awakens-character-names
The Force Awakens soundtrack will be released on the same day as TFA, December
18th. http://www.starwars.com/news/the-star-wars-the-force-awakens-soundtrack-arrives-december-18
New books also coming out December 18th! http://www.starwars.com/news/a-galaxy-of-star-wars-the-force-awakens-books-coming-december-18-first-look
Battle of Jakku concept art from the Battlefront website: http://starwars.ea.com/starwars/battlefront/news/get-a-first-glimpse-of-the-battle-of-jakku-in-star-wars-battlefront
Check out the great interactive video on Facebook (doesn’t play in Safari, but works in Chrome): https://www.facebook.com/StarWars/videos/vb.169299103121699/1030579940326940/?type=2&theater
::Tickets for The Force Awakens will probably be going on sale in October, per Bobby Roberts over at the Full of Sith. And maybe, hopefully, the first showing will be around 7:00? Please?
CANON NEWS [38:40]
We go through all of the new The Force Awakens starwars.com databank entries. Ton of information in there.
JOKE [1:00:10]
What’s the name of the first clone of Obi Wan Kenobi?
REVIEW [1:02:30]
Our guest, Toby, reviews Knights of the Old Republic, a game which none of the three of us are all that familiar with. Malgus? Star Forge? What the heck are those?
OUTRO [1:05:45]
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Children of the Force #13 - New Kids on the Podcast
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
For episode 13 we're joined by Ella, Greta and Nils, friends of ours who love (and love to talk about) Star Wars!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Thursday Aug 20, 2015
Children of the Force #12 - So. Much. News. EW and D23
Thursday Aug 20, 2015
Thursday Aug 20, 2015
In episode 12 of Children of the Force, we discuss the news that dropped over the last week or so, including all the goodies in Entertainment Weekly and everything that came out of the Disney convention, D23.
Follow along with our show guide for this episode at http://childrenoftheforce.com Over there, you'll find photos and links and way more than you see in these little show notes.
Colin Trevorrow is directing Episode
VIII. What does this mean for dewbacks everywhere? Just kidding. We don’t ask
that question.
The kids freak out (in the best way) over the new Drew Struzan poster for The Force Awakens. But
not so much over the new photo from Rogue One.
Could someone else be in that TIE that Finn’s running away from?
If a ship has been replaced, piece
by piece, is it still the same ship you started with? Is there a way to do it
so gradually that no one notices?
Liam’s theory: The Knights of Ren are
good guys and Kylo Ren betrayed them.
Join us and together we will speculate wildly as Father and Son and Daughter
and Listener….
Connect with us, you will...
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Thursday Aug 13, 2015
Thursday Aug 13, 2015
It’s episode 11 of Children of the Force!
The kids and I discuss Star Wars Prequel Appreciation Week. I get on my prequel soapbox.
Click this hashtag here to see a ton of prequel appreciation: #SWPAW
And don't forget (like I've been doing all week) that this week is The Clone Wars Appreciation Week. #SWTCWAW
NEWS [10:15]
We talk about that Korean TV spot for The Force Awakens. Also, the Star
Wars saga is being released on Blu-ray again. Liam notices that two of the
Blu-ray covers are not like the others. One isn’t a main character. The other
isn’t a bad guy!
CANON NEWS [20:45]
Yellow! It's a lightsaber color!
JOKE [23:30]
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Tattoo. Tattoo who?
If you could introduce any lightsaber color into canon, what color would it be?
What was your favorite day of Star Wars Prequels Appreciation Week?
What’s your favorite vehicle in the Star Wars prequels?
Check out that Korean TFA spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff__M4-DU0Q

Friday Jul 31, 2015
Children of the Force #10 - Shoot that Rodian
Friday Jul 31, 2015
Friday Jul 31, 2015
It's episode 10 of Children of the Force! We discuss that Aftermath excerpt. We also do a live reaction to the San Diego ComicCon behind the scenes video where we talk about motion-capture puppetry, practical effects, explosions, aliens and all manner of Star Warsiness.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Children of the Force #9 - Solo, TFA, Droid Tales... and cousins!
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Episode 9 of Children of the Force brings us news of a Han Solo Anthology film, a bunch of other awesome things like the updated Clone Wars chronology, a new Star Wars app, San Diego Comic Con goodness, and a whole Dagobah swamp's worth of other goodies.

Friday Jul 03, 2015
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: S1 / Siege of Lothal
Friday Jul 03, 2015
Friday Jul 03, 2015
Season 1 of Rebels was an amazing thing, so for the first half of this Reaction Corps episode, we talk about it.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Children of the Force #8 - Chrisopher Lee and Snoke and Uprising, oh my!
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Episode 8 of Children of the Force heralds a return to form and the start of summer (related, those are)! We discuss the Star Warsy stuff we've been up to lately, talk about the great Christopher Lee, the reveal of Andy Serkis' name in The Force Awakens and discuss the upcoming video game Star Wars: Uprising.