
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: The Last Battle
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
What’s that clanking I hear?
It’s a Rebels episode that sounds like aClone Wars episode. Today we take part in The Final Battle!
As always, check out the show guide onour website for more links and images: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/10/26/reaction-corps-rebels-the-last-battle/
We briefly discuss Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in this episode, which I amby no means an expert in. But I think it’s an important thing to know about, soif you want to learn more about PTSD, here’s some good information: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/index.shtml
But mostly we just gush about how this episode gave us all the Clone Warsfeels in addition to some new feels we didn't even know we had.
Thanks for listening! Please contact us!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of theForce
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Children of the Force #49 - The Pow-ah! of Rogue One
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
It's episode 49 of Children of the Force! Join us, and together we will react to that new Rogue One trailer, do more ridiculous impressions, and rule the galaxy as father and son and daughter and listener.
As always, head on over to our website for the show guide for this episode, which includes video and photos of all the stuff we're talking about: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/10/19/episode-49-the-pow-ah-of-rogue-one/
We played a game of D&D with some friends for the first time at Fantasy Flight Games Center.
We’ve been keeping up with Rebels season 3 and loving it. Anna still thinks Thrawn is too smart.
NEWS [6:30]
A new Rogue One trailer! Watch it again:
And the kids’ reaction to watching it for the first time:
We talk about all the hits from the trailer, including young Jyn, big ol’ Jedi statue, the absence of snarky Jyn, Tarkin?, sadness on Jedha, water on Krennic, etc.
We also got the poster for Rogue One. It’s glorious. And, in my opinion, it's waaaaaaay better than the poster announced at Star Wars Celebration Europe. We also got all of those new character posters.
We talk about the new trading images that were posted on Entertainment Weekly.
We watch this new Duracell commercial that nearly made me cry.
CANON NEWS [1:01:00]
Ahsoka’s pseudonym in the new book about her is pretty darn awesome and makes us think about Daughter and Bendu.
JOKE [1:03:55]
Why doesn’t Rey live in an apartment on Starkiller base?
Q&A COUNCIL [1:05:10]
If you could put one Rebels character in Rogue One, who would it be
If you could put one Rogue One character in Rebels, who would it be?
OUTRO [1:11:00]

Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Children of the Force #48 - Gratitude
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Episode 48 is the one where we thank people, read an email, and do ridiculous Bendol Hux impersonations (which is even more ridiculous when you realize we've never heard the the man speak).
Join us, and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son and daughter and listener...
And as always, be sure to check out the show guide on our website: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/10/13/episode-48-gratitude/
Our first shout-out is to Amy Wishman Nalan, who we just interviewed on our site. Amy is the first person to support us on Patreon and we thank her profusely.
We also give a shout-out to Amy’s daughter, who also listens to the show.
Our third shout-out is to Kate from the Nerd of Paradise podcast who had us on her one-year anniversary show. Go here to listen to the whole thing: http://nerdofparadise.net/2016/09/30/episode-20-podcasting/
We also read an email from Nick, which is his answer to our Q&A Council question from our 5 year old listener, Isaac: Who was Yoda’s master?
Lego: The Force Awakens!
Battlefront: Death star DLC!
Force Friday!
Liam’s working on a Star Wars play at school. It sounds really cool.
CANON NEWS [19:15]
Brendol Hux reveals the name of his son, that weak willed boy who will become General Hux, in Aftermath: Life Debt.
JOKE [25:25]
Why was Rey so bored with the story on Jakku?
What was Luke Skywalker’s rank in the Rebel Alliance during The Empire Strikes Back?
OUTRO [29:20]
Thanks for listening! Send us a voicemail or email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion or just give us some feedback. Thanks!

Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
It's getting dark in here.
We discuss what Bendu's "middle path" could mean. We recoil at Ezra's dark side abilities. We talk about how Thrawn talks. Anna complains that Thrawn's too smart. And we put another tick mark in the "Defecting Kallus" column.
And we play and respond to the audio of a super cool video from Stephen Kent's daughter. Check out that video here: https://twitter.com/Stephen_Kent89/status/779846689838493696

Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Children of the Force #47 - Truly Wonderful, the Mind of a Child Is
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
On Episode 47, we have a couple voicemails from our favorite five year old listener, Isaac. And a ton of Yoda conversation.
As always, be sure to check out our show guide on our website. Here: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/09/21/episode-47-truly-wonderful-the-mind-of-a-child-is/
Liam and I have been reading the Vader comic's Shu-Torun War trade paperback.
We’ve been watching the Go Rogue short films full of toys.
I checked out the first episode of You Seek Knowledge, which is a great podcast that explores the nooks and crannies of the galaxy far, far away. Check it out.
And the title of that podcast leads to a discussion about how Maul has become a sympathetic character, even though we don’t consider him one of the “good guys.”
What’s the deal with Garindan’s voice? Well, pilgrim, it has an interesting story, I’ll tell ya what.
NEWS [12:20]
Rogue One has a new composer.
A new Yoda arc is coming up in the Star Wars comic. It’s going to tell the story of a pre-prequel adventure of Yoda’s.
CANON NEWS [21:35]
How does the Empire feel about non-humans? Not so great.
JOKE [33:35]
Isaac asks: Who is Darth Maul’s little brother?
I ask: What did Han Solo say when, while on a pirate ship, he spotted someone on a far away island?
Q&A COUNCIL [35:40]
Isaac also has a question for the Question and Answer Council. Who was Yoda’s master?
There are so many ways to approach this question and we try them all out.
Liam asks a question from Star Wars Trivial Pursuit: How many puppeteers controlled Jabba’s head in Return of the Jedi?
OUTRO [51:30]

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Children of the Force #46 - Chris from Star Wars Kidscast
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
It’s episode 46 of Children of the Force! Chris from Star Wars Kidscast does us the honor of joining us for the whole episode!
First, we get to know Chris a little bit and then we move on into…
Chris recently read the new Jedi Academy book by Jarrett Krosoczka. You can read his review of it here on his Star Wars Kidscast website. We're looking forward to getting our hands on this book soon.
He’s also reading the new Ahsoka novel, which makes me jealous.
It’s not specifically Star Warsy, but we were recently interviewed by Kate from Nerd of Paradise for a podcast episode about podcasting. We’ll be sure to link to that on our Facebook, Twitter and on here once that episode is up.
In lieu of news, we chat with Chris about his podcast, website and a bunch of other stuff.
CANON NEWS [39:30]
Maz has a ship and she’s not afraid to use it!
JOKE [42:50]
Jokes direct from Chris himself!
What do you call a rebel spy in a hospital?
Where do rebel spies keep their money?
What do you call a rebel spy going backwards?
What do you call a rebel spy who always has a bad day?
What do you call a rebel spy dressed like a Wookiee?
Q&A COUNCIL [44:40]
If you could take a road trip with one Star Wars character, who would it be and why?
Is there a character in Star Wars you wish they had done more with?
Is there a character you wish wasn’t in Star Wars?
STUMP THE LUMP! [1:00:20]
A bunch of questions lead us all to mild lumpdom. They are:
What color are Chewbacca’s eyes?
What is the name of Poe’s squadron in The Force Awakens?
What’s the name of Leia’s blue protocol droid in The Force Awakens?
What’s type of lightsaber is Kylo Ren’s lightsaber?
OUTRO [1:07:25]
Be sure to follow Chris on twitter @chrisforkids and @swkidscast
Like Star Wars Kidscast on Facebook.
And visit starwarskidscast.blogspot.com for great reviews of books and more!

Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Children of the Force #45 - Back to School
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
It’s episode 45 of Children of the Force! This episode, we discuss The Freemaker Adventures, Rogue One: Catalyst, and therapy Ewoks!
As always, the show guide on our website has way more information, photos, videos and links than these show notes here. So go check that out at: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/09/09/episode-45-back-to-school/
Anna and Liam were guests on The Boink Show. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOUNliT5TYY
We finished watching The Freemaker Adventures and loved it.
Liam and I are almost done playing Lego The Force Awakens. All we have left is the long climb to Luke Skywalker!
And this isn’t Star Warsy, but we recently finished a re-watch of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s even better when you watch it again. I suggest listening to The Avatar State podcast as you go through the series. Lots of great analysis and it’s pretty hilarious (and 95% kid-friendly). And I don't even know those people. I just like plugging good podcasts.
Season 3 of Rebels is premiering on September 24th!
We discuss the language and sound of Jawas!
NEWS [19:25]
Star Wars Reads Day is approaching! At some point in October!
The Rogue One: Catalyst synopsis is here!
Chapter 1 of Go Rogue showed us a lot of the new Rogue One toys that will be on store shelves soon.
Mark Hamill shaved his beard and gave us a great crumb of information with the accompanying tweet.
The legendary Trawn trilogy is getting new covers.
And a Rogue One coloring book might just get me into coloring.
CANON NEWS [32:55]
Two words: Therapy Ewoks.
JOKE [35:00]
Q. Who makes the best war notes in the Trade Federation?
Q. How did Sebulba find the buried treasure?
REVIEW [36:15]
We talk a bit about The Freemaker Adventures and give it a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 kyber crystals.
Q&A COUNCIL [41:00]
Will Ezra turn to the dark side in season 3 of Rebels?
Anna asks me the name of the Resistance doctor who tends to Chewie’s wound in The Force Awakens.
OUTRO [47:20]

Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Children of the Force #44 - #ImWithJyn
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
It’s episode 44 of Children of the Force! Join us, and together we will talk about that Rogue One trailer as father and son and daughter and listener.
As always, head on over to the website for our show guide complete with links, photos and videos:
Lego The Force Awakens video game! The Freemaker Adventures! Liam had a blast coding over at https://code.org/starwars! Battlefront ridiculousness! Han Solo comic! Poecomic!
NEWS [19:20]
Bunch of new information coming to us from starwars.com and Entertainment Weekly.
We analyze the new Rogue One entries in the Star Wars databank.
And of course, we react to and analyze the new Rogue One trailer. You’ve already seen it, but watch it again!
We didn’t talk about the international trailer in this show because it hadn’t come out at the time of recording. But if you’re like me, you may have noticed that Jyn’s “May the Force be with us,” in that international trailer is different from the same line (same scene, same shot) in the Celebration sizzle reel. I made a handy video for comparison:
CANON NEWS [1:07:50]
Jabba’s Rancor has a name! And it’s adorable.
JOKE [1:10:32]
Three jokes this episode from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast. Here are the set-ups, you’ll have to listen for the punch lines.
Who is Darth Maul's little brother?
Who is Darth Maul's BIG brother?
Who is Darth Maul's country cousin?
Q&A COUNCIL [15:10]
How much Vader do you want in Rogue One and what do you want to see him doing?
Send us an email (forcechildren@gmail.com) or voicemaill (speakpipe.com/childrenoftheforce) to let us know!
STUMP THE LUMP! [1:19:15]
Liam asks a question from Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. Who is the first person to thank C-3PO after being set free in the Ewok village?
OUTRO [1:21:55]

Friday Jul 29, 2016
CotF Special Edition: Liam and Noah
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Welcome to the first ever Children of the Force Special Edition. Here we have a conversation between Liam and his friend Noah about Star Wars. I gave them some questions to talk about and then walked out of the room. What resulted is pretty darn fun to listen to. I hope you like it, too.
As always, check out our website for a complete show guide. Here: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/07/29/cotf-special-edition-liam-and-noah/
Here are the questions that Liam and Noah tackled.
What’s your favorite Luke Skywalker moment?
What’s your favorite part of The Force Awakens?
Who do you think would win in a fight, Rey or Wickett?
What’s the deal with Snoke?
Do you think any of the Rebels will survive Rogue One?
What’s your favorite Star Wars toy?
Do you think Rey will become a Jedi, or just a really nice Force user?
What if Kylo turned good and Rey turned bad? Would that just be horrible? Or kind of cool?
Finally, go check out Noah's youtube channel at

Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Children of the Force #43 - SWCE 2016 - Nick's Report
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
We're lucky enough to be joined by Nick from London whoattended day three of Celebration 2016. This episode has Nick's on-the-scenereporting from Celebration, in addition to a conversation with us a couple dayslater where he filled us in on all the rest of the awesomeness hewitnessed.
Check out https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/07/23/children-of-the-force-43-swce-2016-nicks-report/ to see all of Nick's photos.
Liam and I chat with Nick about his time at Celebration.
NEWS [35:50]
Nick sticks around to join us for the news!
Episode VIII has wrapped!
Ahsoka’s Untold Tales panel at SWCE revealed some great information. We brieflytouch on what each of these three untold story arcs would have been about.
And we’re getting even more Ahsoka in October, with the Ahsoka novel.
Oh, and let’s not forget about Thrawn. We had to talk about Thrawn.
A starwars.com interview with Timothy Zahn revealed that the timeline for hisupcoming Thrawn novel will span the time between when he first “encounters theEmpire,” and lead up to the events of season three of Rebels.
OUTRO [46:00]