
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Children of the Force #25 - Luke Never Grabs the Lightsaber
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
It's episode 25 of Children of the Force. Join us, and together we'll hold out the Skywalker lightsaber as father and son and daughter and listener....
I explain why I went to The Force Awakens in (super big) IMAX and left the kids behind for my 4th
viewing. Also, we discuss some new thoughts I had upon another viewing:
Reflection of Rey in BB-8’s eye
Kylo Ren ran away from Han before he couldn’t anymore.
Does Kylo already have a new mask, of a sort?
3PO’s golden arm.
Had Luke been crying?
NEWS [26:50]
The release date for Episode VIII: Luke Never Grabs the Lightsaber has moved seven months further away.
Poe Dameron gets a comic series!
Adventures in Wild Space junior reader series coming out in February.
CANON NEWS [42:10]
Wait, there’s a sacred village on Jakku that worships Hutts? Sign me up!
JOKE [43:45]
Why does Maz Kanata always have gum in her mouth?
REVIEW [44:30]
We review A Princess on Lothal, the tenth episode of season 2 of Rebels.
We finally include The Force Awakens within our ranking of Star Wars movies (rankings subject to change).
Liam asks who our favorite alien character is in The Force Awakens.
OUTRO [54:40]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Children of the Force #24 - The Rebels Awaken
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
It's episode 24 of Children of the Force! Join us as we get into a discussion about, risks, sacrifice, droid rights and (what else) the pronunciation of Jakku. There's also a huge chunk in the middle of the episode where we watch and give our reactions to the trailer for the second half of Rebels' second season.
0:50 – How has our month with The Force Awakens been?
2:20 – Risk-taking and The Force Awakens. Would George Lucas have taken more
or less risks with the story? Or would the risks just be different?
5:40 – Has Star Wars changed thematically? Is there more grey in the black and
white? Is there realism-creep?
6:40 – Han’s sacrifice. Was it a sacrifice? Can it accurately be called that?
8:30 – Our reaction to the trailer for the second half of Rebels' second season.
21:00 – Epic droid rights tangent.
JOKE [36:45] – Knock, knock. Who’s there?
Jack. Jack who?
STUMP THE LUMP [37:50] - The kids ask, “Where on Jakku does Finn and Poe land?”
Spoiler alert: I totally get this one.
OUTRO - 39:40
Connect with us, you will...
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Children of the Force #23 - Rey. Rey. Rey.
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
It's episode 23 of Children of the Force!
Maz Kanata has SMALL eyes.
Proud papa moment: Liam beat me in Battlefront for the first time.
Anna made a Star Wars fortune teller.
NEWS [9:00]
We talk about the reveal of Stormtropper FN-2199: http://www.starwars.com/news/meet-fn-2199-a-k-a-tr-8r-the-stormtrooper-behind-the-meme
There’s a petition to bring George Lucas back for Episode IX. It’s a nice
thought, but it ain’t going to happen. But this leads to a discussion of
whether or not The Force Awakens and Rebels are missing anything since they’re
missing The Maker.
Hasbro keeps putting the “bro” in Hasbro. The kids’ righteous indignation is
right on target. Hasbro needs to do better. Disney needs to demand better. J.J.
Abrams agrees: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/01/09/jj-abrams-star-wars-force-awakens-rey-toys
CANON NEWS [25:15]
Let’s talk about Jakku and Hosnian Prime. And let’s talk about Starkiller Base,
chosen by the First Order for it’s unique energy-transmitting crystalline
JOKE [33:05]
What kind of instrument does Kylo Ren play in his band?
What do you think is the funniest line from The Force Awakens?
What’s your favorite planet in The Force Awakens?
Who is your favorite character in The Force Awakens? (Hint, the title of this
podcast is our three answers to that one.)
The kids ask me, what’s the name of the blaster that Han gave Rey? I fail
SHOUTOUT [43:55]
Shoutout to Star Wars 7x7 and Who Shot First,
podcasts who’ve been doing quizzes from day one.
OUTRO [45:05]
Connect with us, you will...
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Children of the Force #22 - Star Wars is Everywhere. Snoke is Everyone.
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
It's episode 22 of Children of the Force!
The kids talk about Star Wars gifts they gave and received for Christmas and spending a Star Wars Christmas with my parents, siblings, in-laws and all the nieces and nephews.
The bulk of my parents' kids and grandkids went to a day-after-Christmas viewing of The Force Awakens.
We've been reading Percy Jackson, which caused me to wonder if Snoke is analogous to a Titan of Greek mythology. Maybe? Probably not?
NEWS [16:15]
The Force Awakens is making a lot of money. People like it.
Rebels is coming. Not sure when, but I saw this from Making Star Wars a few days after the recording of this episode.
CANON NEWS [26:50]
What is the state of the Star Wars galaxy before and during the events of The Force Awakens?
JOKE [39:35]
What did Qui-Gon's Force ghost say to Obi-Wan's Force ghost when that horrible thing happened in The Force Awakens?
We have a couple great guest questions on this episode.
@TorpedoTed13 asks, are we going to see Boba Fett in the sequel trilogy?
Mark Leonard of the Ictus Marketing podcast asks what we feel is the best viewing order for Episodes I-VI.
And finally, we have a round of opinion on Rey's parentage.
Both Anna and Liam are floored (in the best way possible) by how many people are talking about Star Wars. Liam's classmates are spoiling the heck out of The Force Awakens. He tries to stop them. Anna's friends are coming around to Star Wars which is helping her to further embrace the fact that she's a Star Wars geek.
The kids quiz me in the inaugural "Stump the Lump" segment. The stumper for the day is: What is the name of the weapon wielded by the Stormtrooper who fights a lightsaber-wielding Finn on Takodana?
OUTRO [1:01:00]
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Monday Dec 21, 2015
Children of the Force #21 - The Force Awakens
Monday Dec 21, 2015
Monday Dec 21, 2015
In episode 21 we talk all things The Force Awakens. If you haven't watched the movie yet, you probably don't want to listen to this episode. Because we talk about it. In all of its glory.

Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
It's here. The 20th regular episode of Children of the Force!
In this episode we talk to a bunch of people about what they think they might see in The Force Awakens (in addition to great Star Wars analysis and a question about Star Wars Lego!
We talked with Chris from Star Wars Kidscast. Here are the ways to follow Chris online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarWarsKidscast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SWKidscast
Blog: http://starwarskidscast.blogspot.com
We talked with my friend Jeff, who does some amazing G.I. Joe action figure photography on his Instagram. He also does a bit of Star Wars stuff on there. Anyway, check it out: http://www.instagram.com/gi_joe_fan/
We talked with Jared Jones, The Nicest Person in the Star Wars Fandom. He's active in fandom in all these ways:
Twitter: @joaquinslowly
He can be heard on the following podcasts:
The Greatest Star Wars Podcast In The World
This Is Madness
Kessel Run Radio
And he does art for makingstarwars.net and their podcast, Now This is Podcasting
Instead of breaking down all the conversations (because there are two hours of conversations, and it's better listened to than read) I'm just going to list all the questions that are asked in the episode. In order.
--Do you think there will be a force ghost in TFA? If so, who do you think it will be?
--Will the Millennium Falcon survive TFA?
--Will we see a new color of lightsaber in TFA?
--Which Jedi will make a ghostly appearance in TFA?
--Which planet does Luke live on now?
--Is Kylo Ren Han and Leia's kid?
--Are Rey and Kylo actually Jaina and Jacen Solo?
--Are there Jedi in hiding?
--How are we going to keep our mouths shut after seeing the TFA in order to not spoil friends and family?
--Will there be a Yoda-like character in TFA?
--What's Luke been up to since Return of the Jedi?
--What, other than a hand/arm could be removed by a lightsaber in TFA?
But there's so much more going on in this episode besides questions and answers. The tangents are epic and could fill a podcast themselves.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please consider leaving a review on iTunes or anywhere else you listen to the podcast. Thanks!
Oh, and at the two hour mark, we do a shoutout to Roqoo Depot, who has reviewed our podcast a couple times now on their Podcasts in Review posts. Check them out!
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Children of the Force #19 - Rated F for Fun
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
It’s episode 19 of Children of the Force! We discuss
video game & movie ratings and why they’re ridiculously arbitrary and don’t
really apply to Anna and Liam.
As always, remember to check out our website (www.childrenoftheforce.com) for a more thorough show guide. And thanks for listening!
We have Battlefront! It’s rate T for Teen, so I explain the decision to let the
kids play it and we talk for quite a while about playing violent video games
and why it’s probably not something to freak out over.
NEWS [10:20]
We discuss J.J. Abrams’ big “THIS” reveal on Jimmy Kimmel, news of The Force Awakens' PG-13 rating, and the renewal of Rebels for a season 3!
CANON NEWS [21:45]
Maz Kanata’s castle is sure to be a place full of wonders. In canon news this
week, we learn some basics about it via the short story, The Face of Evil.
REVIEW [28:50]
Three-word reviews of Battlefront!
No Q&A Council this week, but instead we talk about our next episode,
Children of the Force’s Pre-TFA Q&A Council Extravaganza! See this post on
our website to learn more about it and to join in: http://childrenoftheforce.com/2015/11/30/children-of-the-forces-pre-tfa-qa-council/
In a new semi-regular segment, I ask the kids what other kids are saying about
Star Wars at school. I love getting out of our own little family-bubble of Star
Wars and hearing how other kids are experiencing this thing we know and love.
We shout out to the nice folks who have already submitted questions or said they would (at the time of the recording).
Thanks for listening, everyone!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Children of the Force #18 - The First of the Orders
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
It's episode 18 of Children of the Force!
Join us and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son and daughter and listener…
And as always, check out the episode guide on our website, which gives you photos, links and way more than these show notes.
We start off the podcast talking about the reaction to our last episode. I correct a few things and read some reactions. Go back and listen to Story Time With Jedi Master Daddy if you haven’t heard it yet. Or listen to it while you’re waiting in line for The Force Awakens!
Physical tickets to The Force Awakens are in our hands!
NEWS [12:35]
We discuss even more upcoming books, including The Force Awakens novelization, the two Aftermath sequels, and New Republic: Bloodline.
We also talk quite a bit about the upcoming comic series Obi Wan and Anakin. Do we need more prequel-era stories? The kids say yes! Does everything have to tie into everything else? This kids say … not so much.
CANON NEWS [30:35]
How does Darth Vader discover the name of the Rebel pilot who blew up the first Death Star? Find out in CANON NEWS!
JOKE [35:20]
Where does Boss Nass keep his peanut butter peanut butter?
1. Did Darth Vader know that the Clone Wars were orchestrated by Palpatine in order to exterminate the Jedi? Did Palpatine ever tell Vader? Did Vader ever figure it out?
2. Who is your favorite The Force Awakens character so far?
3. What is your favorite The Force Awakens planet so far?
THEORY RE: FIRST ORDER [53:50] And finally, I drop a speculation on the origin of the First Order name.
Thanks for listening, everyone!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Children of the Force #17 - The Star Wars Lines Special
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
A month out from The Force Awakens, I reminisce about going to the prequels on their opening nights. Most of the story focuses on the line for The Phantom Menace and how I was among the first in the world to see the opening ten minutes of TPM twice.
But first, we quickly talk about a bit of Star Warsy stuff. And we discuss what we might do while we wait in line for The Force Awakens and how we need to keep our yaps shut when we leave the theater so as not to spoil the movie for those waiting in line for the next show.
Story Time: 9:25
We go out on a decent note. And a quick blurb about #WheresRey.
As I told and edited the story, I felt a bit like I was ripping off Bobby Roberts' Full of Sith special, Last Gasp, which is a great audio essay on Star Wars fandom and how The Force Awakens will change it. So go listen to that after you listen to this. Here it is: http://fullofsith.com/archives/1534
Thanks for listening, everyone!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Children of the Force #16 - Coding, Inquisitors, Shattered Empire, etc.
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Follow along with our show guide for this episode at http://childrenoftheforce.com Over there, you'll find photos and links and way more than you see in these little show notes.
I start off by gushing over this new Star Wars coding tutorial/game.
I'm a newbie when it comes to code, and this was a blast. Oh, and Anna and Liam liked it, too. Liam played after we recorded and really enjoyed creating his own games where thousands of puffer pigs populated the screen and slowed the site to a crawl.
That's my boy.
After a Halloween recap, we discuss the Clone Wars Onderon arc (LuxLives!), and the Rebels episodes, 'Always Two There Are" and 'Brotherhood of the Broken Horn.' But mostly we talk about Inquisitors, because they're so darn interesting.
Also, posters and commercials.
NEWS [32:25]
Short stories announced at New York Comic Con - we rank our excitement for them on a scale of 1 to 10 Yub Nubs.
CANON NEWS [39:30]
Who was the youngest person elected to the Imperial senate?
JOKE [41:55]
Why didn't Anakin know his children were alive?
REVIEW [43:40]
We briefly review the complete Shattered Empire mini comic series, talk about the implications for The Force Awakens and discuss whether or not someone who cannot use the Force would be able to sense the ability to use the Force in others. All this speculation over a little sapling.
This episode we shout out to:
The Greatest Star Wars Podcast in the World (on iTunes and on Twitter {potty mouth warning})
Man vs. Pink's post, How on earth is Star Wars rated U ("suitable for all")?
Nerd of Paradise Podcast (on iTunes and on Twitter)
OUTRO [57:25]
Thanks for listening, everyone!
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com