
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Children of the Force #33 - Rogue One... With Vibroblades!
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
In episode 33 of Children of the Force we discuss that Rogue One teaser. Liam has an obsession with vibroblades. And we talk about music. And a whole bunch more.
We’ve been watching The Force Awakens and The Clone Wars, naturally.
We continue our read-through of The Marysue’s Resistance, Caring and “Mask”ulinity: The Feminist Message of the Dude’s in the Force Awakens by Kate Bennion. This week, we’re talking about old Han and how he’s so much better than young Han.
NEWS [17:00]
We got our first Rogue One trailer!
So we talk about that for quite some time. The kids are waaaay more excited for it now than they were before this thing came out. And so am I.
Also in the news, an Ahsoka novel is coming, and there’s an Aftermath: Life Debt excerpt over at Entertainment Weekly.
CANON NEWS [53:15]
Our canon news this time around comes from Aftermath by Chuck Wendig. Did you know that after the Emperor was killed on the second Death Star, the Empire continued to insist he was still alive? They even went so far as to put a decoy in front of the cameras in order to convince the galaxy.
JOKE [55:35]
We have four jokes today, all from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast!
Who's the richest man in the First Order?
Who is the tallest man in the First Order?
Who is the biggest hockey fan in the First Order?
Who is the grossest man in the First Order?
Q&A COUNCIL [57:10]
Our question this episode comes from listener Asher who sent us a voicemail asking what our favorite Star Wars musical theme is. It’s a tough question and I think our answers change quite often. What is your favorite Star Wars musical theme? Why don’t you send us a voicemail over at speakpipe (www.speakpipe.com/childrenoftheforce) and let us know. We’d love to play your answer on our next episode.
STUMP THE LUMP! [1:00:30]
The kids ask me the name of that droid in Maz Kanata’s castle who alerts the Resistance to the presence of BB-8. I get it half right.
OUTRO [1:03:15]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: Twilight of the Apprentice
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Here's our two-part reaction to the finale of season 2 of Rebels. In the first half, our reaction is heavily painted by the fact that we completely missed a key scene in the final montage. Our attitudes toward the episode are very different in the second half of this show when we realize that there is hope! Either way, the kids' take on this episode is really fun to hear.
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Children of the Force #32 - Unprovable Opinions!
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Episode 32 has us talking all about The Force Awakens yet again! Liam has a new favorite character! Anna says Finn reminds her of a character from Avatar. Poe is the opposite of a jerky mc-jerk-dude. Also ... Winnie the Pooh?
Listen, and together we will rule 100 Acre Wood Base as father and son and daughter and listener...
And as always, check out our website for the show guide for this episode. Here: http://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/03/31/episode-32-unprovable-opinions/
Our family went to The Force Awakens in the theater for one last (?) time. It’sfinally at our second-run theater, the historic Riverview.
Upon viewing The Force Awakens again, the kids rethought some stuff, includingthe character of Poe (“He sacrifices himself for a droid!”) And I have someadditional thoughts about Finn.
Speaking of thinking more deeplyabout the characters of The Force Awakens, we start our on-air read through of "Resistance, Caring,& 'Mask'ulinity: The Feminist Message of the Dudes in The Force Awakens" by Kate Bennion. Thisweek, we start off with discussing how amazingly non-jerky Poe Dameron is.
Nick from London sends us anotheramazing theory. This time: Snoke is a clone! How is that possible? IS that how the Force works? Listen to hear Nick’s theory!
NEWS [31:10]
There’s information about Aftermath:Life Debt out of C2E2. Nothing too groundbreaking, but it’s nice to have ageneral idea of what it’s about.
CANON NEWS [33:55]
We get into a lot of informationabout Chewbacca and discuss what a life debt is and whether or not Chewbaccaactually owes one to Han (or maybe Han owes one to Chewie?).
JOKE [37:20]
Our joke thisweek is, again, from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast.
Q: What cuddly bear flies X-wings for the Resistance?
Q&A COUNCIL [38:40]
Q: Of all the scenes in The Force Awakens, which one do you most want tofreeze-frame though when we get the Blu-Ray?
The kids ask me another questionfrom Star Wars Trivial Pursuit: What were the odds of Han and Luke’s survivalduring the Hoth night, according to R2-D2?
OUTRO [49:00]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Children of the Force #31 - URoRRuR'R'R: A Star Wars Story
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
In episode 31 of Children of the Force we discuss Tusken Raiders, Rogue One speculation and literature, Battlefront, tell a joke that's not ours, do a Lumpy impression ... and more! Join us, and together we will bark like a Sandperson as father and son and daughter and listener...
And as always, check out the show guide on our website for images and more from this episode: http://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/03/22/episode-31-urorrurrr-a-star-wars-story/
I purchased Empire vs. Rebellion, the card game from Fantasy Flight Games over the weekend. It seems pretty fun, but we haven’t had a chance to play a proper game yet.
We’re really excited for the Battlefront Outer Rim expansion over here. Can’t wait to tear apart Jabba’s palace.
Refer to Episode 19: Rated F for Fun for discussion about video game and movie ratings and why we don’t always follow their suggestions.
We recently purchased Star Wars: The Force Awakens Head-to-Head, the new book by Pablo Hidalgo. It's awesome.
NEWS [9:45]
We discuss Catalyst: A Rogue One Story and the three-issue Rogue One comic miniseries and Rogue One one-shot. The kids still aren't too excited about Rogue One. I predict that will change after we see the first trailer.
Claudia Grey announced that there will be one Lost Stars character making an appearance in Bloodline.
Speaking of Bloodline, we read and analyze a couple blurbs about the book.
I rip on the cover art for issue #1 of The Force Awakens comic adaptation while the kids (mostly Anna) defend it.
We discuss this interview of Daisy Ridley and how we made the same joke a month before she made it at the Oscars. Geek minds think alike! Also, she confirms that Episode VIII will begin the same way that Episode VII ended.
CANON NEWS [39:35]
“URoRRuR'R'R” is the name of the Tusken Raider who knocked Luke unconscious in A New Hope. We also find out (via Pablo Hidalgo himself (via twitter)) whether or not Tuskens are human, as stated in The Force Awakens Head-to-Head.
JOKE [43:30]
This joke is from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast.
Q: Why did Rey run out of instant bread?
Q&A COUNCIL [45:15]
Will Ahsoka die at the hands of Darth Vader in the Rebels season 2 finale?
Will that be one of the saddest deaths in all of Star Wars?
Anna and Liam ask me a question from Star Wars Trivial Pursuit: What were the colors of the four Rebel fighter groups that participated in the second Death Star battle.
I fail miserably.
Shoutout to the door-to-door public television membership salesperson who downloaded our podcast as he walked away from our house. Thanks for listening!
OUTRO [52:10]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Children of the Force #30 - Including Inclusion
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
In episode 30 of CotF we discuss diversity and inclusion, play an awesome voicemail, tell a ridiculous joke and more! Join us, and together we will go pew! pew! pew! all the way home as father and son and daughter and listener....
As always, be sure to check out our website for the show guide, which is so much better than these notes.
Anna and I watched Padme’s deleted scenes from RotS. We also watched “Within and Minute,” which is a great documentary that details all the people who worked on RotS and what they did. Anna really loved it
We’re continuing our trek through the Clone Wars. We’ve recently watched the D-Squad arc and the Maul/Deathwatch arc. And, of course, we saw Rebels: Shroud of Darkness.
We got a great voicemail from Asher and an email from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast.
NEWS [20:50]
J.J. says there’s no reason a LGBT character wouldn’t appear in an upcoming Star Wars movie. We applaud him and discuss why we talk about things like this on the podcast and why we speak up about inclusion, diversity and equality.
We know now that Chewie is going to be in the Han Solo standalone. Maybe not a big surprise, but good to know. And this news brings up the fact that Lumpy, Chewbacca’s son, is on the brink of canon. Remember, according to The Princess, The Scoundrel and The Farmboy, Chewbacca has a wife
Speaking of Chewie, there’s a Han Solo comic coming up.
J.J. Abrams addresses the perceived snub that Leia gives Chewie in The Force Awakens.
We don’t talk about the Lego Star Wars: The Freemakers. At least not yet.
Finally, we discuss the behind the scenes tidbits coming out of South By Southwest.
CANON NEWS [36:35]
Our canon news this week is all about Lor San Tekka and the Church of the Force.
JOKE [41:20]
The joke today is a Liam special: What do you call Boba Fett if he really thinks babies are cute and he really thinks feet are useful?
REVIEW [43:40]
Liam gives us his review of Star Wars: Original Trilogy Graphic Novel put out by Disney Lucasfilm Press.
Q&A COUNCIL [48:10]
Two questions this week from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast:
What is your favorite kind of Star Wars alien?
Who is your favorite kid in a Star Wars movie/show?
The kids ask me to list the military ranks in the Resistance. And I get a bonus point if I list them in order.
I pay my respects to the ForceCast. Then the kids make it awkward.
OUTRO [59:30]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: The Honorable Ones
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Reaction Corps was lost for a while to that Great Pit of Carkoon known as the whirlwind lead-up and post-show glory-basking of The Force Awakens. But just like Boba Fett (probably) (but actually probably not), Reaction Corps has jet-packed itself free from the slimy maw of the all-powerful Sarlacc.
What was the impetus for this great escape? The brilliance known as "The Honorable Ones" on Star Wars: Rebels. "The Legend of the Lasat" was almost enough to pull us out, though. In fact, we basically did a mini Reaction Corps on episode #27: Happabore Backwash, complete with a music cue and everything.
Anyway, since it had been a while, we first did a quick re-cap of season 2 so far. Then we dove right into the intricacies of The Honorable Ones.
We talk about the construction modules around Geonosis and how they bear a striking resemblance to Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for the Death Star(s) II. Check out the show guide on our website to see the images: http://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/03/01/reaction-corps-rebels-the-honorable-ones/
As we discuss the episode, questions arise:
How did the Empire know the Rebels were coming?
Just how common is the word "sleemo" in that galaxy far, far away?
Why doesn't the Geonosian queen from the Vader comic show up on their bio scans?
Was it weird to see Kallus and Zeb just sitting there talking to each other? Did it make sense?
It's true that Zeb and Kallus are honorable to each other and themselves, but what about the factions they belong to? Is Zeb honoring his Rebel friends when he doesn't take Kallus into custody? Does Kallus honor his vow to serve the Empire when he doesn't kill the rebel Zeb?
This personal reconciliation between enemies could have drastic effects down the road. What will happen the next time Zeb and Kallus meet? What will happen if their respective factions find out what they did (or didn't do, in this case)? But on the positive side, could Kallus become an informant on the Empire? Could he join the Rebels?
Why does Admiral Constantine disregard Kallus at the end? What will his life in the Empire be like now? Why does he keep the meteorite?
Final question: Could Kallus and Zeb both leave their factions and have their own odd couple adventures?
He’s a neat freak who’s a stickler for the rules. He’s a shedding Lasat who likes to put his feet up. Coming this fall to ABC Family, it's Imp and the Lasat.
Only five more episodes left in season 2!
Thanks for reading and listening! Send us a voicemail or email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion or just give us some feedback.

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Children of the Force #28 - Tell that to Candycub
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
It’s episode 29 of Children of the Force!
Anna finished Lost Stars.She desperately wants a sequel
Liam helped buy a 2nd grade Star Wars math workbook for himself.
We started watching the D-Squad arc of The Clone Wars. The kids thought it waspretty funny.
We talk about not being able to talk about Rogue One.
NEWS [10:05]
We’re getting a The ForceAwakens comic adaptation, written by Chuck Wendig. Anna wants it to follow themovie exactly. I’m hoping it expands the story.
We discuss opening crawls and whether or not Ep. VIII will have one.
CANON NEWS [17:55]
This week’s canon news isabout Poe’s history as a pilot and the state of his family.
JOKE [23:00]
A Liam original: What do youcall a Kanjiclub member that likes baby bears and candy?
Q&A COUNCIL [24:10]
First, we get some commentary and answers from lastweek’s Q&A Council from Nick (who submitted the questions for last week’sepisode). Nick also gives us his theory that Boba Fett will be the main villainfrom Rogue One. We spin the email off into a couple questions for the Council.
1. Will Luke fight in Episode VIII?
2. If you could choose one preexisting Star Wars character to be in Rogue One,who would it be?
The kids quiz me: What type of droid is the red droid walking away from MazKanata’s castle as Rey, Finn and Han walk in?
Shout out to Kate (@kamiduu) for the great feedback on Twitter!
OUTRO [36:40]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Children of the Force #28 - Force Goats
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
It’s episode 28! Let’s sing the song of Force Goats! Also, listener feedback, news about Episode VIII, a joke, a quiz, questions and Anna saying something or other about Kanjiklub.
A very special person gave us a very special Valentine's Day gift, and Liam and I salivated over X-Wing expansions at the mall the other day.
We get a great birthday voicemail from @torpedoted13!
And we read an email from Nick, Sylvia and Sarah from London! They have some greattheories that we discuss, including the Rey-as-reincarnated-Anakin theory andthe Snoke-as-Vader theory.
NEWS [21:25]
Jedi News reports that there might be a Force Friday for Rogue One on September30th.
Anna’s not really excited for Rogue One, but that might change when we see thefirst teaser? We’ll see…
And of course, we got that really cool production teaser for Episode VIII (which we watch a couple times on the show) alongwith announcements about returning and new cast.
CANON NEWS [44:40]
Starkiller Base is not thatkyber-crystal-rich planet we thought it might be.
JOKE [46:05]
What did Admiral Ackbar say when he went to the bathroom? (No, it’s not whatyou think … or is it?)
Q&A COUNCIL [47:45]
Our questions today come from Nick, Sylvia and Sarah!
-What is your favourite trilogy? Original, prequel or sequel?
-Who do you think Rey's parents are?
-Will Finn die in Episode VIII? (the kids were aghast at this question andemphatically said no, willing their words to be true)
The kids quiz me: What material is Rey’s sled made out of? I actually (sort of) getit right!
OUTRO [56:10]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Children of the Force #27 - Happabore Backwash
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
episode 27 of Children of the Force! Join us, as we discuss books, news, theories, happabore backwash, GNK names, and more!
Weekend X-Wing games are becoming a regular thing in our house. Here’s a
time-lapse video of one of the games we played last weekend.
Anna stopped reading Rey’s Survival Guide because she felt that Rey was being
too negative.
We’ve all now read the Jedi Academy trilogy and loved it.
We read a great listener email, which includes these theories:
1. Is Kylo Ren a playing a long con on Snoke?
2. Is that Unkar Plutt holding Rey’s hand in her force flashback (aka: forceback)?
3. Is Snoke Darth Palgueis?
We also get into a spoiler-free discussion about two episodes of Rebels, The Protector of Concord Dawn and Legends of the Lasat, including a listen to “Journey Into the Star Cluster,” one of the finest pieces of music Kevin Kiner has written for Rebels or The Clone Wars.
NEWS [25:00]
A description for New Republic: Bloodline!
This week's canon news is all about BB-8.
Q&A COUNCIL [37:50]
Who is your favorite background character from the seven current movies?
Who is your favorite character in The Empire Strikes Back?
Tangent: It’s not OK that Han didn’t let go of Leia’s hand when she told her to “stop that” twice.
What’s the name of the GNK droid in The Force Awakens?
@torpedoted13 is consistently awesome on Twitter and always let’s us know when he’s listening. Thanks a ton, Ted.
OUTRO [49:40]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Children of the Force #26 - The Kids Take Over
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
It's episode #26 of Children of the Force! My voice was croaky from a stupid cold I was getting over, so I step back and Anna runs the show in my stead.
Liam has won two out of the last three X-Wing competitions with me. Kid's a natural.
Liam and I have also been working through the trade paperbacks of the new Marvel comics. So far, we're read Star Wars and Vader. We already read the Leia comic, because we bought that one as it came out. Same with Shattered Empire. Up next: Lando.
We're also reading through the Jedi Academy books and they're almost done with those (actually, by the time I'm writing this, we already finished them!).
I finished Before the Awakening and really liked it. Go read it if you haven't already.
NEWS [2:40]
Gwendoline Christie has confirmed that she will be reprising her role of Captain Phasma in Episode VIII: Phasma's Revenge.
In order to illustrate our canon news, Anna and I do a dramatic reading of the part of the TFA novelization which directly mentions Vader's "momentary lapse" of judgment, when it comes to not killing Luke. My horrible voice makes a pretty good Snoke, especially when it's pitched down a bit.
JOKE [7:15]
What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?
Liam asks Anna who rides the luggabeast in The Force Awakens.
OUTRO [9:35]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com