
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Children of the Force #66 - We're Not at Celebration
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
...but we're still having fun! And hey, you can listen to us while you're waiting in line for all those awesome Star Wars panels this weekend. If you're at Celebration, that is.
In this episode we draw a name out of a bag and announce the winner of our Rey give-away (assuming I can find the person who wrote the review and assuming they want it). We also speculate about the contents of Celebration, hit up some news, talk about other galaxies and a whole bunch more.
Rogue One on Blu-ray!
NEWS [11:50]
Haden Christiansen is going to be at Star Wars Celebration this weekend. We’re looking forward to what that might mean, if anything. Either way, it’s cool.
And we speculate about all the things we’re going to see at Celebration.
The 40th Anniversary of Star Wars is being celebrated by a new book, From a Certain Point of View. Forty short stories by forty authors!
And it sounds like Leia is going to be in Episode IX.
CANON NEWS [31:10]
What was the Emperor’s plan for a post-Palpatine galaxy and what does it have to do with other galaxies, Thrawn, and the First Order?
JOKE [37:15]
What did Rey call the storyline she was working on about a scavenger boss who decided he’d never drive a car again?
What’s a scout trooper’s favorite kind of instant tea?
Q&A COUNCIL [39:00]
A question from Nick from London this week: If you could bring anything from legends into canon, what or who would it be?
I quiz the kids:
What’s the name of the planet at the beginning of Rogue One?
Who dropped the Ersos off on that planet?
OUTRO [47:20]
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Children of the Force #65 - Thermal Denominator
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Han Solo, The Last Jedi, tangents, detonators, jokes and more tangents. Hey, it's another episode of Children of the Force!
As always, you can check out the show guide on our website: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/03/30/episode-65-thermal-denominator/
We got an awesome recommendation and review over at Hypable: http://www.hypable.com/trypod-best-podcast-recommendations-itunes-2017/
Also, be sure to check out the newest edition of Get to Know a Children of the Force Listener, all about Laura.
Liam and I joined a couple friends at the Guillermo Del Toro exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. It was creepily awesome.
And then we go on a very long tangent about the limits of virtual reality, among other things.
How did they make the thermal detonator sound? Jabba can see how.
NEWS [20:45]
We discuss that news about The Last Jedi and the Han Solo movie that Bob Iger (of all people) dropped as some conference. Via The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline.
Woody Harrelson revealed his character’s name on Jimmy Fallon!
CANON NEWS [38:00]
Lumpy is canon!
JOKE [41:20]
Two more jokes from Evan!
What are the first three months of a Star Wars calendar?
Shmi Skywalker had other children. One of her sons became a model. His name was ________.
Liam asks me a question about a certain weapon in The Force Awakens, testing the limits of my memory.
OUTRO [46:00]
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!
REBELS: ZERO HOUR discussion [48:40]
Our quick and dirty discussion about the Rebels season 3 finale, Zero Hour. Oh, and check out the Rebels Recon for the episode:

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: Twin Suns
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
In this Reaction Corps episode, we discuss the 20th episode of season 3 of Rebels, Twin Suns. Spoilers abound! Turn back now if you haven't seen it yet.
And as always, check out our website for a show guide to this episode which will include images and links: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/03/21/reaction-corps-rebels-twin-suns/
Rebels Recon is pretty much required viewing for this episode, so check that out:
That duel from Seven Samurai I refer to on the show can be viewed here:
And I was pointed to that video by the RetroZap piece, "Twin Suns - A Star Wars Tale of Samurai, Ronin and Bushido."
Does Obi-Wan really believe that Luke is the Chosen One? Let us know what you think via one of the following ways:
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of theForce
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us a buck: www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
And thanks for listening!

Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Children of the Force #64 - "How Do You Learn About Jedis?"
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
In this episode, we answer a listener question, discuss a new Darth Vader comic, announce our giveaway, and more! As always, check out our website for a show guide that includes links and images to go along with the episode: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/03/15/episode-64-how-do-you-learn-about-jedis/
Leave a review on iTunes to be entered in our giveaway! Win a Rey action figure! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/children-of-the-force/id966950375#
We watched Double Agent Droid, the most recent Rebels episode. It was very strange. We talk a bit about it in a spoilerish way.
Our listener, Wyatt, sent us a question, wondering how we learn about Jedi. We give him a long-winded answer!
How did they make that wet flapping noise when Boss Nass shakes his jowls? Check out a visual answer on our website.
NEWS [13:30]
What the heck is a Bio Hexacrypt? John Boyega knows, but he isn't telling.
Clone Wars is still on Netflix!
There’s a new Darth Vader comic coming out! It picks up immediately after Revenge of the Sith. So exciting!
CANON NEWS [25:30]
Some cool canon news from a cool book, Rebel Dossier by Jason Fry.
JOKE [34:25]
Nick from London sent us jokes this week:
What do you call a Wookiee's feline friend?
What do you call a relieved Wookiee?
What do you call a pair of Wookiees?
What do you call a Wookiee detective?
What do you call a Wookiee who has diarrhea?
Q&A COUNCIL [36:30]
Nick also has a question for the Question and Answer Council: If you had to be any Sith Lord (canon or legends) who would you be?
OUTRO [44:40]
Thanks for listening! Send us a voicemail or email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion or just give us some feedback. Thanks!

Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Children of the Force #63 - Propaganda and the V-Bomb
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
On episode 63, we talk about Pablo Hidalgo's book on Star Wars propaganda. And we overshare. Enjoy!
And as always, check out the show guide on our website for images, links and more: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/03/08/episode-63-propaganda-and-the-v-bomb/
Chris from Star Wars Kidscast sends us an email to help us pronounce Joonas Suotamo. Here it is:
YOU-nus SWO-ta-mo (SWO rhymes with show and flow)
Nick sends us some more questions/theories about the Inquisitors.
We talk a lot about racism/speciesism and the Empire, a discussion inspired by the most recent Beltway Banthas episode. And we drop a big V-bomb.
NEWS [23:35]
Rebels is getting a fourth season!
Michael K. Williams joins the cast of the Han Solo stand-alone.
CANON NEWS [27:30]
This week’s Canon News is all from the book Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy by Pablo Hidalgo.
JOKE [47:05]
Jokes this week are courtesy of Chris from Star Wars Kidscast!
What do you call a donkey Rebel?
What do you call a really funny rogue Rebel?
What do you call a Rebel leader at Christmastime?
What do you call Rebel cheerleader?
What do you call an old lady who runs a Rebel cell?
OUTRO [49:25]
We talk about some non-Star Warsy stuff. Anna’s excited about a sleepover. Liam and Anna have been listening to Grace VaderWaal. And I talk again about that whole vegan thing. The aforementioned V-bomb.
Please connect with us in any of the following ways:
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Children of the Force #62 - Han Solo, Galactic Atlas, Inquisitors, etc.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
On episode 62, we talk Han Solo news and do a run-down of some of what we learned from the beautiful Galactic Atlas. And more, of course. Check out our show guide for more links and images: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/03/01/episode-62-han-solo-galactic-atlas-inquisitors-etc/
Star Wars Day at the Minnesota Science Museum was super fun! Photos are on the blog.
We briefly discuss the newest Rebels episode, Through Imperial Eyes. It was rather stressful.
NEWS [12:30]
Han Solo Movie news! Confirmed cast!
Rogue One home video release is on April 4th. Digital on March 24th.
CANON NEWS [20:20]
This week’s canon news is all from Galactic Atlas, which is a gorgeous book you should all go out and buy.
JOKE [42:30]
Knock Knock-> Who’s There?-> Jabba The->
What do you call a droid at the Renaissance Fair?
Q&A COUNCIL [45:30]
What happened to all the Inquisitors? Let me know over on Twitter!
OUTRO [49:00]
Please connect with us in any of the following ways:
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Children of the Force #61 - A Plurality of Jedi
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
In this episode, we talk Mandalore, diversity and death, !!!INFERNO SQUAD!!!, the new R2, jokes, questions and a bunch of other stuff. Join us, and together we will level up in Force Arena as father and son and daughter and listener....
And as always, check out or website for a more thorough show guide with links and images and all that good stuff: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/02/22/episode-61-a-plurality-of-jedi/
We’re watching Clone Wars episodes and crossing our fingers that they aren’t taking it off Netflix. Looking forward to watching those Death Watch Mandalorian episodes especially after watching…
Rebels: Legacy of Mandalore, which we talk about a bit, hopefully without spoiling too much for people who haven’t seen it yet. We loved the episode and are all curious to see where it goes from here.
Force Arena has been supplying me with a ton of fun (maybe too much fun).
The awesomely diverse Rogue One characters all end in death. Is that problematic?
NEWS [19:30]
It’s the attack of Force Friday II! And our first image of the big three from The Last Jedi.
There’s a new book coming out. It’s called… Inferno Squad! Much like the cover image, my opinion of this book is not final.
Jimmy Vee is the new R2-D2!
(This episode was recorded before the Han Solo casting news dropped, but we still talked about how a new generation of actors are starting to take over, but that it’s great that they have had a chance to work with the original actors.)
Jedi is plural in The Last Jedi?
Aftermath: Empire’s End is out! I’ve started reading it and it gets off to a crackling start.
CANON NEWS [39:45]
Liam brings us some canon news today when he tells us the ages of the Rogue One crew. And I bring bonus canon news with the fact that Phasma was actually thrown down into a trash compactor in The Force Awakens, according to the comic adaptation.
JOKE [45:40]
What do you call a robot in a hole?
What do you call the first robot to ever fall into a hole?
Q&A COUNCIL [48:00]
Liam asks: Of the planets Scarif, Jedha, Lah’mu, Yavin IV and Eadu, which place would you like to live if you could live where they were shot?
Al asks: Why is Maul seeking Obi Wan?
Liam quizzes us on the ages of the Rogue One crew.
OUTRO [57:50]
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Children of the Force #60 - Becoming the Masters
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
The kids take over for our 60th episode, since my voice was especially froggy. They do an amazing job! As always, check out the show guide on our website for more links and images of things we talk about in the episode: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/02/14/episode-60-becoming-the-masters/
We get an awesome package from Nick from London! (Seriously, go check out these figurines on our website: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/02/14/episode-60-becoming-the-masters/)
Liam and I recently finished the Darth Vader comic series. Liam thought the ending was hilarious.
NEWS [2:55]
Thandie Newton is rumored to be the next addition to the Han Solo stand-alone cast.
Clone Wars appears to be ending its run on Netflix. Booooo!
How did Shaak Ti die? We find out in the fabulous book, Galactic Maps!
JOKE [8:05]
It’s an Anna original today. Where do you put your gas in Rogue One?
Q&A COUNCIL [10:40]
It’s a Valentine’s Day Q&A council!
Question 1: What’s your favorite romantic moment in Star Wars?
Question 2: Do you think there will be a great romance in the sequel trilogy? If so, who do you think it will be between?
Continuing the theme of Valentine’s Day, I quiz the kids from beyond the microphone: Name one Star Wars alien species that has more than one heart.
OUTRO [15:10]
Throw us some cash on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce
Thanks for listening, and may the Force be with you!

Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Children of the Force #59 - Two Years!
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
On Episode 59 we celebrate two years of podcasting, talk about some heavy issues, tell a couple jokes, and just have an all-around fun and energetic time. Maybe a little too energetic.
As always, be sure to check out the show guide on our website for images and links to all the things we talk about on the show: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2017/02/02/episode-59-two-years/
We start the episode off talking about how it’s been two whole years since we started recording this podcast! We celebrate by listening to the original Children of the Force song, sung by an 8 year old Anna.
Then I get all serious and talk about the state of the United States these days and how Children of the Force will always be a safe place for people who want to be kind to each other and for people whose lives are being devalued by our government.
We watched Moana over the weekend, which isn’t Rogue One.
NEWS [13:15]
The Han Solo movie started filming.
The Last Jedi!
That Death Star trench isn’t where you thought it was! Check out this blog post: http://fxrant.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-death-star-and-final-trench-run.html
We talk aobut the covers and official titles for two new books due out May 2nd:
CANON NEWS [26:25]
This episode’s canon news is all about the religions on Jedha.
JOKE [38:20]
Two jokes today from a couple of our favorite Twitter followers.
The first one is from @StarWarsNerdMN and the second is from @EvanNelsonMN. [[[link]]]
How many Sith does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
When is a door door not a door door?
What are the names of the Two-Tubes brothers?
OUTRO [44:25]
We sounded so young!

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
CotF Reaction Corps - Rebels: Trials of the Darksaber
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
I'm not crying! YOU'RE crying!
OK, I'm totally crying.
This time on Reaction Corps we're talking all about the Rebels episode, Trials of the Darksaber. In addition to adding to Jedi lore and Mandalore (get it, MandaLORE?), this episode gives Sabine the character explosion we've all been waiting for!
Before we discuss the episode though, we quickly talk about that Episode VIII title, The Last Jedi, and what it might mean.
At 6 minutes in, we start discussing Trials of the Darksaber. Symbols of power. Parents struggling with giving kids responsibility. Political disagreements breaking up families. It's a heavy, emotional episode. And we loved it.
Thanks for listening! Please contact us!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of theForce
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com
Throw us a buck: www.patreon.com/childrenoftheforce