
Monday Jul 18, 2016
CotF Reaction Corps - Rogue One Sizzle Reel and Rebels S3 Trailer
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Thanks for listening! Let us know what you thought of the sizzle reel and/or trailer!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Children of the Force #42 - Pre-Celebration Postulations
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
In episode 42 ofChildren of the Force we discuss Celebration Europe news, how it's virtually impossible to have an original Star Wars thought (google it if you don't believe me), and all sorts of news, jokes and a quiz. Join us, and together we will catch 'em all as father and son and daughter and listener....
As always, check out our website for our show guides, which come along with photos and links and videos and all sorts of great stuff you aren't going to find in these show notes: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/07/13/episode-42-pre-celebration-postulations/
This episode of Children of the Force is dedicated to the memory of PhilandoCastile.
Double Points weekend for Battlefront!
Liam got a sweet new Darth Vader watch. It’s digital!
We got a kick out of this Floppotron video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oym7B7YidKs
And … we started catching Pokemon. It’s ridiculous.
NEWS [7:15]
A three-minute Rogue One trailer is coming out this Friday … probably.
Celebration is quickly approaching. The wave of news is going to crash this weekend and it’s going to be hard to stay upright. But we’ll do our best. Are we going to get a name for Episode VIII? Anna thinks so.
Our friend BB-K8 is live-blogging her experience overseas. At the time of recording, she hadn’t made it to Skellig Michael yet. But the next day, she made it there! So happy for her. Check out all the awesomeness of her trip over at Blabba the Hutt: http://blabbathehutt.net/other/live-blog-bb-k8-heads-celebration-europe/
Thankfully for all of us who can’t make it to Celebration, they’re going to be live-streaming it again! The Star Wars Show Live will show us as much of celebration as they can. I’m really looking forward to the Running of the Willrow Hoods!
Jedi Bibliothek posted some images from an upcoming book that gave us three really great images. His post can be found here: https://jedi-bibliothek.de/blog/2016/07/vorschau-und-infos-zum-neuen-galactic-atlas/
Aftermath: Life Debt is out! Here’s the excerpt we talked about: http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/books/2016/07/08/maz-kanata-star-wars-aftermath-life-debt-exclusive-excerpt/86839668/
We get a great pre-Celebration email from our Star Wars Celebration UK Correspondent, Nick from London. Carrie Fischer, Ray Park, Episode VIII, Benicio del Toro, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, a post-Episode IX trilogy, and ... is Mace Windu alive? My answer: #snokeismacewindu
CANON NEWS [26:05]
Of all the crashed Star Destroyers on Jakku, we know the names of two of them. The Ravager and theInflictor. We discuss the known history of these two ships.
JOKE [29:30]
Two jokes today from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast. Thanks, Chris!
What starfighter stings the most?
What starfighter is the most dressed up?
This week, the kids show me a trading card and have me guess the name of the person on that card. The card, like images of many of the other things we talked about on this episode, can be found on our show guide at https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/07/13/episode-42-pre-celebration-postulations/
OUTRO [38:40]

Thursday Jun 30, 2016
Children of the Force #41 - Saw and Orson and Bears, Oh My!
Thursday Jun 30, 2016
Thursday Jun 30, 2016
In episode 41 of Children of the Force, we discuss the huge Rogue One news drop, including the amazing news that Forest Whitaker is playing Saw Gerrera! Join us, and together we will commit morally questionable deeds in the name of freedom and liberty as father and son and daughter and listener...
As always, check out the show guide on our website for more detailed show notes along with links and photos and such: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/06/30/episode-40-saw-and-orson-and-bears-oh-my/
I recently checked out “The World According to Star Wars” by Cass Sunstein.So far, it's like a less-interesting “How Star WarsConquered the Universe” by Chris Taylor. But maybe that’s because I juststarted it.
And we’ve been playing Battlefrontquite a bit since the Bespin pack released. Liam gives a rundown of all thatBespin has to offer.
And I talk about what I’ve been up to on Twitter these days.
How was Chewbacca’s voice created?
NEWS [12:30]
EntertainmentWeekly has a lot of Rogue One news. A lot.
We discuss the photos and characters, including a lot about Saw Gerrera.
I do a somewhat dramatic reading of part of the new Aftermath: Life Debtexcerpt that was released over on mashable.com. Pretty cool stuff.
And we got some Star Wars Celebration news. Ray Park and Carrie Fischer will beat Celebration on Sunday, when our UK correspondent Nick is going to be there.But that didn’t seem like enough. So thankfully, it was announced on The StarWars Show that, yes indeed, Rian Johnson (director of Ep. VIII), KathleenKennedy (president of Lucasfilm), Kiri Hart (senior VP of development atLucasfilm), and Chris Miller and Phil Lord will have a panel talking about thenew movies!
JOKE [51:50]
Where did Obi Wan and Satine go after they got married?
I ask the kids: What is the name of the person, the son of a formerSeperatist senator, who worked with Saw and Steela Gerrara when they fought tofree Onderon from the Seperatists?
OUTRO [56:30]

Friday Jun 17, 2016
Children of the Force #40 - Nick from London!
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
It’s episode 40 of Children of the Force, and we have special guest Nick from London on the show! In case you were wondering what special thing we were going to do for ep. 40, this is it!
As always, for a more detailed guide, complete with photos and video, check out our show guide for this episode over on our website: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/06/17/episode-40-nick-from-london/
We downloaded the new demo level of The Force Awakens Lego game for PS4. It was fun. Anna really liked it. I did too, but I think the claims of new and improved gameplay might be a little bit overblown. But it was just one round, so I’m fully willing to be proven wrong.
Anna and I read Rey’s Story. We both liked it a lot.
We sit down via Skype with Nick (11) from London and talk about his upcoming pilgrimage to Star Wars Celebration Europe. He has volunteered to be our UK Correspondent for Celebration, and we couldn’t be happier. We also talk about a ton of other Star Wars stuff.
JOKE [35:00]
Nick came prepared with a joke (what a guest!): What do you call someone who wants to be a Jedi?
How did they make the sounds of C-3PO and R2-D2’s movements? Once you know, you’ll never be able to unhear it.
NEWS [40:20]
We discuss a few new crumbs of Star Wars video game information that came out of E3.
John Williams expects to compose music for Episode VIII! Hooray!
Rian Johnson posted a couple more Episode VIII-related images online.
John Boyega is going to star in Pacific Rim 2!
Steven Spielberg will spare Indy fans.
CANON NEWS [50:45]
Our canon news this episode is all about Rey and her life on Jakku.
Q&A COUNCIL [55:30]
If you could spare one character from death in Episode VIII, who would it be?
Related to this question, Liam wants Luke to die in VIII, which reminded me of this piece by Tricia Barr. http://fangirlblog.com/2011/05/luke-skywalker-must-die/
STUMP THE LUMP! [1:00:45]
I try to stump the kids:
What is the name of the massacre Finn refers to in regard to the Rathtars?
What’s species is Unkar Plut?
Anna and Liam have a special way of announcing that they’re the Lumps this week. It’s, as I like to call it, a “Chewbacca Mom Mask!”
OUTRO [1:05:30]

Friday Jun 03, 2016
Children of the Force #39 - Walnut Shells in a Grapefruit Rind
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
It’s episode 39 of Children of the Force! Join us, and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son and daughter and listener...
We all read the Lando comic recently, so we talk about that.
Does that one part in the Lando comic give us hope for Ben’s redemption?
How did they make the nasty crunching sound when Vader choked Captain Antilles on the Tantive IV?
NEWS [11:45]
Celebration Europe’s art was revealed, along with the names of two new types of stormtroopers: Death troopers and shoretroopers. And those AT-ATs are AT-ACTs (All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport), which makes me think that the yellow panels aren’t panels at all, but are in fact huge yellow crates that contain cargo.
Cienna Ree is a appearing in X-Wing, from Fantasy Flight Games!
Check out the images from The Force Awakens comic adaptation over on starwars.com.
CANON NEWS [27:15]
Captain Phasma’s armor has a great origin.
JOKE [30:00]
What kind of ship does a curious Rebellion pilot like to fly?
What character in Star Wars likes burgers the most?
Q&A COUNCIL [31:10]
What Star Wars toy would you like to see produced that hasn’t been made yet?
The kids ask me the name of the character that Billie Lourd (Carrie Fisher’s daughter) plays. I fail.
OUTRO [38:10]
Thanks for listening! Send us a voicemail or email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion or just give us some feedback. Thanks!

Wednesday May 25, 2016
Children of the Force #38 - It may not sound like much...
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Wednesday May 25, 2016
...but it's got it where it counts.
As always, be sure to check out our show guide on the website for episode-specific images and more! Here's this episode's guide: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/05/26/episode-38-it-may-not-sound-like-much/
We are the proud and happy owners of The Sounds of Star Wars by J.W. Rinzler!
Which brings us to our new segment…
How did Ben Burtt create the spine-chilling sound of Darth Vader’s breath?
NEWS [4:00]
The final cover image for The Force Awakens comic adaptation has been released. I
still don’t like it, but it’s not as cringe-worthy as it used to be.
A new Battlefront coming in 2017? Sounds pretty cool.
CANON NEWS [11:05]
Kylo Ren, aka Jedi Killer.
Also, Kylo prevented the return of the Jedi order, which makes us wonder what
was up with Luke’s students that they hadn’t “returned” yet.
JOKE [14:40]
Chris from Star Wars Kidscast has a couple more jokes for us.
What shiny Stormtrooper Commander really likes music?
What Resistance pilot is always staring at his phone?
Q&A COUNCIL [15:60]
If you could turn any letter, number or food item into a Star Wars ship, what would it be?
I ask the kids a couple questions this week:
Who is Niima Outpost named after?
When was R2-D2’s last memory wipe?
Noah sent us a theory on Finn. It doesn’t quite fit (Anna pokes the holes), but how great it is that kids are trying to figure this stuff out!
OUTRO [31:05]
Thanks for listening! Send us a voicemail or
email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion
or just give us some feedback. Thanks!
SPOILERS!!! [33:00]
The rest of the episode contains mild spoilers for Rogue One... so abandon
spoilerphobedom, all ye who enter here.

Saturday May 21, 2016
Children of the Force #37 - To Infinity... and...
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
It's episode #37 of Children of the Force! Join us, and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son and daughter and listener....
As always, check out the show guide on our website where we have photos and links to go along with this episode: https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/05/22/episode-37-to-infinity-and/. Get over there!
We’ve been listening to Jabba Flow quite a bit. I’ve even inserted it into my TFA soundtrack right between “The Rathtars” and “Finn’s Confession.”
Not Star Warsy, but we’ve been slowly watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. The kids dig it.
NEWS [7:10]
Alden Ehrenreich is reported to be the next Han Solo! The kids are a little worried, and really, who isn’t?
The Darth Vader comic is ending with issue #25 in August. I give that a big shoulder shrug and hope it means another comic will be cancelled soon, horrible as that sounds.
Disney infinity is also ending. Again, not a big deal to us, even though we have Infinity. One word reason for that: Battlefront. And rest assured, we'll talk about the news that Battlefront is getting a sequel in the next episode. There was just too much stuff to talk about this time around.
The kids have no idea what Freemakers means. I rectify that.
CANON NEWS [26:40]
The canon news comes from the book Bloodline and contains minor spoilers for the book. So I’m not going to write about it here.
JOKE(s) [35:05]
Jokes this week are from twoof Liam’s classmates and, you guess it, Chris from Star Wars Kidscast!
-What did BB-8 say to R2-D2 on Valentine’s Day?
-Which Star Wars character loves to shop?
-Where to Kanjiklub like to surf and swim?
-What is Kanjiklub’s favorite fruit flavor?
REVIEW [38:20]
This week we review theC-3PO comic … finally.
We also discuss that fact that this Lego short picks up where the 3PO comic leaves off.
Which is sort of weird and makes me think there’s some … canonosity? …to the Lego stuff.
Q&A COUNCIL [47:55]
The kids’ classmates knock the Q&ACouncil out of the park this week!
-What, in your opinion, is the mostdevastating moment in all seven Star Wars movies?
-What do you think Episode VIII and Episode IX will be named?
-If you could make any Star Wars movie, what would the name be and what would it be about?
Also, Chris from Star Wars Kidscast answers our question from a couple episodes ago about what weird thing we want to see in Episode VIII!
SHOUTOUTS [1:05:35]
Shout-out to 501stCentral Garrison member TK-11468, Mr. Jesse Edberg.
Shout-out to comic artist Michael Walsh, who I also ran into at my brother’swedding.
Shout-out to The Younglings Podcast, which is back for its second season! Check them out over at www.theyounglingspodcast.com
OUTRO [1:10:00]
Thanksfor listening! Send us a voicemail or email us at forcechildren@gmail.com if you want to take part in the discussion or just give us some feedback. Thanks!

Tuesday May 03, 2016
Children of the Force #36 - The Mini-Cast Strikes Back
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Episode 36 of Children of the Force is our second ever mini-cast. The day was too beautiful to sit inside recording, so we did a quick episode outside instead. Featured in this episode are the cardinals that live near our house, the barking dogs from a few houses over, and a whole host of other noises from the neighborhood.
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Children of the Force #35 - Some Weird Thing
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Anna has branched out into Harry Potter podcasting. She’s working on a podcast called Platform 9 ¾ News with a couple friends. The first episode isn’t up yet, but there’s a website (https://platform934news.wordpress.com), which is a great first step!
We continue our enthralling discussion on elevators and we reference the Wookieepedia entry on elevators, which you can find here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Turbolift
Free Comic Book Day approaches! http://www.freecomicbookday.com/
Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) released a great video of them reacting to fans’ reactions to the Rogue One trailer. Check it out:
Oscar Isaac gave an interview to the LA Times that gave us some interesting tidbits about Episode VIII. The kids are scared at how different VIII sounds like it might be.
CANON NEWS [29:30]
Kylo Ren isn’t a Sith. Also, Snoke has decreed that no one can every say Kylo’s real name. Weird, right?
JOKE [34:45]
Where's the best planet to get burritos and enchiladas?
Q&A COUNCIL [37:30]
What weird thing would you choose for Rian Johnson to do in Episode VIII?
I ask the kids again this week.
Q. What is the name of the bird we see on Jakku as Rey is driving into Niima Outpost?
Q. What is the name of the red-clad pirate in Maz Kanata’s castle who Finn is going to leave Takodana with?
Nick from London laments the loss of some of the EU and asks us what we think about the whole thing. It gets emotional. But not for the reasons you'd assume.
OUTRO [1:01:30]
Thanks for listening!
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com

Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Children of the Force #34 - Is Snoke
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
In episode 34 we're off to the races! Starfighter races, that is. We also discuss The Empire Strikes Back, space elevators, Finn, Snoke née Maul, give a couple worthy shoutouts ... and more! Join us, and together we will find out what we become if we continue to fight as father and son and daughter and listener!
Please visit https://childrenoftheforce.com/2016/04/22/episode-34-is-snoke/ for a more thorough show guide complete with photos and video.
We watched The Empire Strikes back at movie night at the kids’ school.
“I get why adults love that movie. It is very good.” –Liam, about The EmpireStrikes Back
What was Luke’s failure at the cave? We’d love to hear your thoughts aboutthis.
NEWS [12:25]
We’re looking forward to some new Battlefront content, specifically the“Leisurely Stroll” mode. Come on, EA! Do it!
Scorched, a racing story: http://delreystarwars.tumblr.com/post/142742570664/star-wars-bloodline-tie-in-story-story-scorched
Constable Zuvio is in The Force Awakens! http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/15/constable-zuvio-star-wars-force-awakens
CANON NEWS [21:05]
Finn was in the top of hisclass. But why did he refuse orders? What makes him special? He has biologicalparents, but did they ever know him? Did he ever have a name?
JOKE [33:55]
The jokes this week are from Chris from Star Wars Kidscast again! Thanks a tonChris for sending in all the jokes. Makes my job easier.
What do you call it when Leia's hair comes loose?
What do you call it when a Happabore gets loose?
What's the worst kind of Star Wars joke?
Q&A COUNCIL [35:35]
What is your favorite title of a Star Wars saga film?
What is your first Star Wars memory?
Let us know your answers by emailing us at forcechildren@gmail.comor leaving us a voicemail at speakpipe.com/childrenoftheforce!
This week, I try to stumpAnna and Liam by asking them what the name of that green stuff that Rey eatsis. Also, who’s the chancellor of the New Republic at the time of thedestruction of the Hosnian system?
Listener Nick from London has another great Snoke theory. Darth Maul! It’s apretty awesome theory.
Shoutout to Danny(@ceruleansnidget on Twitter) for sending the kids some great homemade tradingcards as a consolation prize for participating in his This is Madness Creaturestournament.
Shoutout to Ian, the winner of our “URoRRuR'R'R” iTunes review contest. Ian gets this shoutout andalso the digital codes to download the 5-issue Chewbacca comic series! We hopeyou enjoy it, Ian!
OUTRO [53:55]
Leave us a voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChildrenoftheForce
Twitter: @forcechildren
Facebook: Children of the Force
Email: forcechildren@gmail.com
Website: www.childrenoftheforce.com